Do You Know What Love Is?

In honor of Valentine's Day.

Sara Burdick
4 min readFeb 14, 2024
Bogotá Street Art

Love often seems like an abstract concept that many of us think we know, but do we? Love is when I can love something without caring how it feels about me in return.

Instantly, my mind goes to animals.

As a kid, I would sit for hours with my dog, telling him stories and walking with him as if he understood the relationship. It was as if he understood my love for him, but I never stopped to think, how does he feel about me?

Did it even matter because I knew that I loved him?

I have noticed as I get older that the love I give someone is unconditional. A recent development.

I no longer care if the other person loves me; I only know that true love never disappears if I love someone. I am not talking about toxic love because that is all transactional. Love is not a transaction.

If I love a dog, and he does not love me back, will I stop loving him because he does not love me? Of course not; I have no idea how my dog felt about me, yet I still treated him as the best dog in the world.

The same as I treated my pony, I loved him even when he tried to bite me and would run too fast. I still loved him no matter what.



Sara Burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia.