For so many years I struggled as I saw everyone starting a business, and i was lost in the weeds, buying and taking courses learning what to do.. except i didnt know what i wanted to do or who i was. Once i stopped trying and settled into doing what i enjoy is the only time anything i have ever done has been seen. I had to let go of the attachment of ¨making it¨and do what i enjoy. Keep creating, but without comparing myself to anyone else, as i did so many times in the past. For me it was following my soul, and getting out of my head, and i am still no where near where i want to be, but i am enjoying what i am doing and for me this is the most important above anything else.
Its intersting to hear your perspective of the recession we had in 2008.. i didnt even know there was one, i mean i knew but it didnt touch me. I was working as a nurse, and how blind i was to the outside world.