I Am Not Your Savior

Do you ever have no words for what is going on in your life?

Sara Burdick
4 min readJan 9, 2024
Jericó, Colombia

Things seem great, and you have finally turned a corner, and bam.

It’s like you walked into a brick wall and are now broken again. Well, it's not fully broken, but those healed parts are beginning to open and ooze out like you picked at a scab just because it’s there.

You get sucked back into the drama of another person and wonder yet again how did this happen.

I learned a lot about myself last year; I dedicated an entire year to healing and growing. I decided what I wanted in my life and began to get more confident and grow spiritually.

This year, I am choosing not to let fear rule my life.

That it is ok to feel; after years of covering up my feelings with booze, this was quite the realization. I cried more this past year than I have in my adult life.

Possibly, it is because I am growing older, and I do not want to be held back because I am scared. However, I need to discern what fear is vs. what is laying down a healthy border.

What is true love vs. what is deceit or manipulation from myself to myself or those who state they care about me?



Sara Burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia. https://linktr.ee/saraaliceburdick