I too am very confused on what you are trying to convey in this article. When you move to another country you should not expect them to conform to your languages. You are living in an italian speaking country ,you should learn their language especially if you want to work there.
It would be like me living here in Colombia and walk into a hostpital and blame them when they won't hire me, because my spanish is not 100% fluent. I would expect to have to speak the language to get a job.
Also, luxury is not developed.. I have been to Italy, and have no idea what you are trying to convey.. Italy is sooooo luxurious in my opinion, the women always look gorgeous, and men as well. But your blog your opinion.. i just disagree.
The cities are old because as you mentioned "Roman Rule" which is also confusing since the Roman empire fell in 395 AD... which is a very long time ago.. Which means you are living in a country that has been around for a long time, and civilization was established in many other countries not just Italy.
I do see racism in this post, I just think the finger is being pointed in the wrong direction.