Member-only story
Reflections of the summer days gone by from the comfort of my Colombian home
Has it been the craziest summer, or is it just me?
I feel like I have been traveling and sick all summer. Yesterday I finally made it back to Colombia. I was in the US for about two weeks, sick almost the entire time.
I still feel that I am not back to 100% yet. I am also buzzing with all the energy that has remained with me from being in the US. Yesterday I walked around my house thinking of what I need to get done and how I feel behind in life, in my garden, and my writing.
Yet all I wanted, and all I did, was sit and watch the birds on my porch. It was the only thing my body could physically do after traveling. Even though I tested negative for COVID, the residual effects are still slowly subsiding. The exhaustion remains, and the need to do that is leftover from the US. My body was in a state of shock.
I tried to explain how I felt last night to my boyfriend, as I could not sleep It is as if I have to stay busy in the states. Everyone running around, living is so different than the life I live.
I guess I have become a person who putters. I remember my grandmother as happy and content around the house. I feel like that now. Except I do not tinker in the sense of not getting…