Thank you for sharing my pig story!! as I dream of getting one!!!
I refuse to eat eggs in the US.. i have seen one too many documentaries on how they are raised and treated and it makes me sad. Here in Colombia it is so different, the eggs always come from local farmers that are sold, it is not uncommon to see a farmer selling eggs on the side of the road, and you can see his chickens roaming the garden. It took me a while to be ok eating them. I want to get my own chickens for this reason, I want everything haha!!
The other day I asked my boyfriend about importing of goods, he laughed and said everything here is grown local. It is because I am in a small town, i am going to research further and see about the big cities if there are factory farmed chickens..
Thank you for sharing all these vegan facts, one day I will be full vegan(again), for now I just decrease the amounts.
I was vegan for about 6 months, except i got super dizzy and lightheaded.. I need to read your B12 article... I was deficient in something. I have tried twice and the same thing happens.. its so weird.. not sure if this has happened to others you know, but would be interested if you have heard this before?