The irrational fear in our heads keeps us stuck in our prison

I have been back on the road for about two weeks now, and meeting travelers is always interesting.

Sara Burdick
4 min readNov 21, 2022
Manizales, Colombia sunsets

Many of us have left our homes, families, and, most important, careers/jobs. When this topic of conversation comes up, it always goes to the point of ¨why didn’t I do it sooner¨ or ¨why was I so scared and of what?

We often tend to be scared of the made-up story in our head about what will happen. We are so worried about the IF and all the imaginary scenarios that we never take that first step.

We keep ourselves stuck in the prison of our minds. It is not just in the example of travel but in everything.

When I was a nurse, I had a job working in the Radiology department, but I was not too fond of it. I knew I wanted to quit, and I complained so much I was sick of hearing myself, so I decided one day to leave; I had a second job and would figure it out.

I put in my two weeks and, of course, was stressed. I wanted to go part-time to keep my benefits, but everyone told me I would never be able to go part-time because this hospital does not keep part-time nurses, which was true.

So I quit instead of even asking. However, the part-time gods had my back. A…



Sara Burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia.