Member-only story
The lies we tell
We all lie, you might read that, and I have immediately triggered you; something inside of you just got looked at.
Even though it’s hiding behind many faces/egos/who you think you are/ want to be. We all do it; we get angry when someone says we do it. I do it, except the biggest lie is the one we tell ourselves.
The ego is the mask we wear, depending on the situation-agreeing, to go along with something because everyone else is ¨doing it¨ — the go with the crowd mentality.
In society now, so many people are changing so many things about their life to fit in, or now more popular is to fit out, to be the outsider, the weird one. Oh, how the tables have turned, but is it a good thing?
We are not all meant to fit out, just like we are not all meant to fit in.
I often feel attacked when someone tells me I lie, like almost everyone else, to lie to myself. Except my lies are ok, right?
It’s ok to lie to ourselves because we are not hurting anyone. Except the one person we are meant to protect is ourselves, so lying to ourselves is doing the most harm. If we show up in the world covered in lies, with a smile that other person will see right through it, or maybe not.