The Typical Modern Life in the US Remains Disconnected From Nature

As I drifted off to sleep, I noticed something that did not exist when I was in the US. I could hear the rain on the roof as I lay in bed.

Sara Burdick
4 min readMay 27, 2024
Sunset in Jericó, Colombia

I spent the last month in the US visiting my sister and new niece and collecting documents. Applying for a long-term visa in Colombia is complicated and expensive, but I decided to settle at the beginning of the year.

For a brief moment, I pondered moving back to the US and living in the mountains, except it didn’t feel right. Something kept me from leaping. Then I went to visit my sister. Every time I go home, I romanticize being closer to my family.

My siblings and I are very close, but they all live far apart, so wherever I end up, it is still far.

Then I landed in Boston.

As soon as I land in the US, I feel my body go into contractions. Instead of the warm air, the frigid cold hit me.

The woman giving me a coffee does not smile, nor is the coffee hot. It’s as if no one has the time to be pleasant when they can be staring at their phones.

That is not the only thing; that was only the first interaction when I got off the plane. I know…



Sara Burdick

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia.