This entire article is exactly how i was feeling yesterday... I got rid of social media because so many are just looking for a fast dollar, or to get ___ famous.. and i often wonder without all that who are you...
I have struggled for so long wanting to create and do my own thing, only to see someone like Ms. Deep in this article and think.. i do not want to be perceived as someone like that.
I do not think i am by anyone, but its always the fear that.. what if people think that about me, i would love to say i dont care what people think and to a point i don't but, when it comes to challenging my ethics, values and truth then i do..
The fake wokeness culture... oh i dont even have words for this.
all we can do is walk the walk instead of talking about the walk we are doing or the path we are on.. action speaks louder than words.
and i am sure she was upset you did not buy into her "deep woke whatever shes was doing" and saw right through the shirade.